Urban means of transport in Madrid
The aim of this report is to analyze the different urban means of transport in Madrid. Firstly, the situation and evolution of the public means of transport. Secondly, the private means of transport and controversial changes in law. Thirdly, the use of the bike and finally it will also consider some conclusions.
Public Means of Transport
Madrid has an enormous and extensive network of public means of transport. It works twenty four hours per day without stopping connecting almost every part of the city. The system combines a modern network of railway, subway and buses. The level of citizen satisfaction is higher than other users from capitals of Europe like London, Paris or Brussels.
Private Means of Transports
Regarding the private means of transports, the city hall is trying to maintain acceptable levels of pollution by forbidding some days parking in the center or the use of the car. Regarding the taxi sector, there is a current controversial situation with companies like Uber or Cabify because of the lack of the traditional licenses and the deregulation of the sector. There is a progressive liberalization of the sector according to the new legislation in other countries and the last judicial processes.
Town Hall Rental Bikes
Madrid promotes the use of the bike too by buying bikes and with a modern system to rent them. Additionally, the city hall is increasing the bike lanes in the center in order to encourage people to use these bikes.
Madrid continues growing its network connecting neighborhoods and other cities around. In the light of the results of the report, the level of satisfaction of the population will maintain this ratio or even increase thanks to the new projects.
Juan Antonio Corbalán Liarte
This article was written for the English course (C1) at the Official School of Languages «Jesús Maestro» in Madrid.